SLEEP APNEA If you are a loud snorer, if you have disturbed sleep, if you wake up feeling very tired despite a full night’s sleep then you could very well be one of the millions who suffers from Sleep Apnea (SA), but don’t know it! This is said to be a serious sleep disorder in […]
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Indu Ramchandani
Destiny, Karma or Free Will — In the matte of Life and Death
by Indu Ramchandani onThis question has again and again played on the questioning mind. Are we destined to take each and every step that we do take in this journey of life? Is it all preconceived by the Universal Player, and are we just pawns on the chessboard of life? The Pawns have a role to play, just […]
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Mother Kali Dances and Unveils Her Maya
by Indu Ramchandani onSeveral years ago, when I first started trying to understand Vedanta, my teacher Pravrajika Vivekaprana, explained some ‘laws’. Among them were the four pillars of Hinduism: Reincarnation (punar janma); Evolution; Karma (cause and effect); and Maya. How lucidly one understood or understands even now is debatable, but for a lay mind, some things were clear […]
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When The World Stood Still and Mother Kali Danced
by Indu Ramchandani onOver the years, whenever I saw the image of Mother Kali, I was always overwhelmed and even perplexed by the apparent contradictions in her appearance. A black figure, with a red tongue protruding from a fearsome face with eyes ablaze. With one hand she gives benedictions and blessings and but in the other hands she […]
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The Karma Bank
by Indu Ramchandani onLet’s think of our life as an account in the Karma Bank! Interesting thought…. We bring some tendencies and a ‘balance’ into an account that opens the moment we are born… the credit balance helps us to take off with a head start in this life, but if we have come with an overdraft or […]
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